Compare Words/ Numbers

Hund - Hunde
Note the difference of the sound /d/

Listen to the sound /d/ in Auslaut of Hund and Inlaut of Hunde

4 - 14 - 40 - 400
vier, vierzehn and vierzig

Listen to the difference in the pronunciation of vier, vierzehn, vierzig and vierhundert

Compare drei, dreizehn and dreißig

Listen to the change in the pronunciation of dreizehn and dreißig

Kalb - Gabel
Compare sound /b/

Learn the sounds of b in Inlaut and Auslaut

Note 'eins' and 'einundzwanzig'

Learn the difference of eins, einundzwanzig and einhundert

/g/ in Inlaut and Auslaut

Note the difference of /g/ in Weg and Wege

/ch/ after /e/ - /ei/ - /a/ - /u/

Note the difference in /ch/ after e,ei,a and u

/ch/ after /il/ - /r/ - /ü/ - /o/

The sound /ch/ pronounced differently in these words

/ch/ - /sch/ - /tsch/

Identify the sounds /ch/ and /sch/, /sch/ and /tsch/

/ei/ - /ie/

Learn the difference between /ei/ and /ie/

/e/ and /ä/

Learn the difference between /e/ and /ä/

/ee/ - /ä/

Learn the difference between /ee/ and /ä/

/-ie/ -- /-ie/

Learn the difference between /-ie/ in Melodie (accent on the last syllable) and /-ie/ in Tragödie (accent not on the last syllable)

Meer - Bär - /ee/--/ä/

Learn the difference in pronouncing /ee/ and /ä/